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Smokin X RubsSmokin X Rubs

Ben Que'n

Ben Que’n

Product Reviews

[email protected]


If you attend and cook much around Texas then you are sure to recognize the Smokin X logo and name of pitmaster John Reeves. John is a champion pitmaster who has dedicated years of sweat equity into his newest creations.

Simply Pecan
This one had me at the name alone. Early on in our BBQ and grilling lessons, we learned to cook with a wood that is abundant in your area. To this day we always use pecan (pronounced here at home as PEA CAN) as our wood flavor which also means we are careful not to use any seasonings or spices that clash with that mild flavor. To find a rub that will intensify that profile is like music to our ears.

This rub is not overly sweet but certainly has the mild and sweet smoke accents that blend well with sugar. We found it was a touch salty to taste out of the jar but when applied to any protein that saltyness renders down into a major flavor rush. We tried it on chicken thighs, pork butts, poor man brisket (chuck roast) and found a super end result every single time. We also love the fact that this is a finer ground rub which soaks into pork and chicken very quickly. We will indeed be ordering this one again.

Simply Beef
Since John is based out of Texas it just makes sense for him to have a beef blend of spices. His Simply Beef rub has Texas spices pegged as it is black pepper heavy but also contains onion and garlic to offset some of the bite from the pepper. This blend is a coarse mix which makes it perfect for those bigger beef cuts like brisket or tri-tip.

We tried this rub on sirloin steaks and also did the poor man brisket (chuck roast) and both came out really well. The heavy pepper taste from the raw product translates into a very flavorful bite after the cooking process is over.

Congratulation John as you have got yourself two great flavor makers here. Neither of these contain anything that is offensive but both certainly offer a unique profile that you don’t find every day in the BBQ and grilling world.

You can learn more about both of these products by visiting


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